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    Far Cry Primal Uplay (Digital Download)

    Αυθεντικά video games με κλειδί ενεργοποίησης για τις πιο διάσημες πλατφόρμες για κονσόλες & PC! Θα λάβετε το κλειδί ενεργοποίησης & οδηγίες εγκατάστασης μέσω email εντός 1 εργάσιμης ημέρας.
    Διαθεσιμότητα: 1 - 3 εργάσιμες ημέρες
    19,37 €
    i h
    Experience the true terror of the Stone Age in Far Cry Primal. This game takes place in a huge, explorable, open world like previous Far Cry games. Except now there are no guns to find, because they haven't been invented yet! You play as Takkar, a primitive man of the Wenja tribe who is alone in the savage wilderness of Oros. Learn to survive harsh weather, stalking predators, and wandering tribes of other humans. If you can stay alive, then you'll be able to gather materials and maybe craft a weapon or two. Gather food for yourself and use it to tame powerful beasts who will obey your commands. The true beauty of Far Cry Primal lies in its simplicity. Because only primitive tools are available, you must play carefully and cleverly in order to succeed. Are you strong enough to survive the Stone Age? Get Far Cry Primal and find out!